Thursday 1 March 2012

Wedding Decor

Above is a Table name card i created, all the tables had names instead of numbers, Eg: Droom; Hoop; Liefde etc.
To your right is the invitations my mother and i designed and created, These types of things take more time and effort, i finish them off to perfection and enjoy every moment.

Mercedes' Dedication

 Mercedes' Dedication was a wonderful time, I got to make all sorts of little special things for the occasion. We had a tea party under a great big whit tent.
We made the little pots to hold different types of tea bags, we made the Photos and put them on each table with little white stands, this tea party had a sweets table filled with Luxuries, Sweet jars made to stand out, with fairy dust and magic this dedication all came together looking as fantastic as a fantasy land we all wish to go to some days. It was beautiful.