Wednesday 19 September 2012




What little boy would not want to pose as this famous super hero??
This Character needed some outlining as the Superman Cartoon although I'm not 100% fond of outlining as it creates a "coloring in" effect no one likes that now do they?
Although i must say thanks too my SUPER BESTIE, Nicole, it turned out great.... 



Tuesday 18 September 2012

A Kock a doo da doodle Day


This is one really big project I've been working on 6 Chickens the size of 2.5M by 2M and 3 were completed in one day. The other 3 will be completed on Saturday....

My Husband was the motivator on this day. Without him those Chickens would not look as great as they do.....
With standing in the sun for 6 hours straight and on a ladder who knows how tall, between my burning arms and my aching feet this mural was a huge accomplishment.

These chickens are for many many people to see on a daily basis and that makes me proud.

The Complete finished pictures are still to be uploaded.




These I LOVE doing, Photo boards are a specialty of mine, The face in this Tinkerbell still needs to be cut out but once that is done its all fun, The Kids stand behind the board posing as their favorite Disney character.

This brings a lot of Joy to birthdays and good memories for the mommy's and daddy's, ever pose behind one of these as a kid? I'm sure we all have!!!

Monday 17 September 2012

Dylan's Jungle.......
For the Smartest little boy I've ever met.....
A little boy of not even two, spells his name, D  Y  L  A  N what does it spell "DYLAN!!!" he shouts with enthusiasm....
Dylan was so exited about his jungle been painted in his room he waited outside the door in anticipation ready to see the final result.
Dylan chose all his favorite animals to be put onto his wall, Once only half of them where there he was already in his cot telling us "goodnight" as he was ready to sleep in his jungle.
Its murals like this that make me so proud to be doing what i do, Children love been able to live in a fairy tale....

 Dylan names each and every single one of his animals and kisses them goodnight before he sleeps.......
I painted the animals in a simplistic way to appeal to children.
The simpler the better in this case.

 The blue sky was done in a light "fluffy" way...... in order to keep the room's light playful atmosphere.
The Green hill was an idea brought in by Mommy, she wanted each and every one of Dylan's animals to have their own special place on the wall.

 Dylan's Elephant is almost as tall as him, maybe taller, but he will make a plan to reach up and stroke her ears.......

All the animals are somewhat proportional towards one another.
The Tortoise and Lizard been smaller then the rest.

This was a mural completed in just one day, and it was so worth every minute spent.